Beautiful Amputee Woman
If in some moment they don't come this web-site search my profile in Youtube, there I will maintain up-to-date the links, friends.
Remember that there are big economic interests and really bad people, trying to sabotage us, I believe that they didn't achieve it, if they observe a links that doesn't work, you have some doubt or they simply want to converse you write me to my e-mail that I will respond you with pleasure.
Remember that of the bad things good things always arise, of the saboteurs I have learned:
1. - to create a web-site in less than 10 minutes when they last at least 48 hours in destroying it.
2. - to understand that with but of 3,2 millions of discharges of my videos in "YouTube" I am not as alone as he/she believed.
3. - to believe that the friendship doesn't have opposite, neither language, neither religion, and that when but they determine to destroy us, but we find the force to unite and to continue forward.
Si en algun momento no ven este web-site busca mi perfil en Youtube, alli mantendré actualizado el links, amigos.
Recuerden que hay grandes intereses economicos y personas realmente malas, tratando de sabotearnos, yo creo que no lo lograran, si observan un links que no funcione, tienes alguna duda o simplemente quieren conversar escribeme a mi e-mail que con gusto te respondere.
Recuerden que de las cosas malas siempre surgen cosas buenas, de los saboteadores he aprendido:
1.- a crear un web-site en menos de 10 minutos cuando ellos duran al menos 48 horas en destruirlo.
2.- A comprender que con mas de 3,2 millones de descargas de mis videos en "YouTube" no estoy tan solo como creia.
3.- A creer que la amistad no tiene fronteras, ni idioma, ni religion, y que cuando mas se empeñen en destruirnos, mas encontramos la fuerza para unirnos y seguir hacia adelante.